is used to call gstat from within Matlab. It can be called using either a GSTAT command file as :
or using a Matlab mGstat structure as
G=read_gstat_par('ex06.cmd'); % read parameter file G.G.variogram{1}.V(1).type='Sph'; % change variogram type to Spherical [pred_mean,pred_var]=gstat(G);
More info at : the section called “gstat”
is the equivalent of the native Matlab command krig
. It is called in similar fashion to krig
, but calls GSTAT for kriging as opposed to the Matlab kriging routines.
More info at : the section called “gstat_krig”
Converts binary formatted data formats to ascii.
More info at : the section called “gstat_convert” and the section called “Making GSTAT available for mGstat”
NB: In the forthcoming releases this m-file will be rename gstat_semivar_exp
This m-file computes the experimental semivariogram using the same conventions as the section called “semivar_exp”, but using GSTAT as backend instead of the native Matlab implemention.
the section called “semivar_exp_gstat” is much more CPU efficient that the section called “semivar_exp”.
An example (from MGSTAT_INSTALL/example/test_gstat_semivar_exp.m)
% GENERATE A REFERENCE DATA SET USING UNCONDITIONAL GAUSSIAN SIMULATION x=[0:.05:10]; y=[0:.05:10]; V=visim_init(x,y); V.rseed=1; V.Va.a_hmax=4; % maximum correlation length V.Va.a_hmin=.5; % minumum correlation length V.Va.ang1=90-22.5; % Rotation angle of dip(clockwise from north); % Gaussian semivariogram V=visim(V); % run visim; [x_obs,y_obs]=meshgrid(x,y); d_obs=V.D(:,:,1); n_obs=prod(size(d_obs)); % CHOOSE SOME DATA FOR SEMIVARIOGRAM ANALYSIS n_use=1000; i_use=round(rand(1,n_use)*(n_obs-1))+1; i_use=unique(i_use); x_use=x_obs(i_use); y_use=y_obs(i_use); d_use=d_obs(i_use); % PLOT DATA figure(1); imagesc(V.x,V.y,V.D(:,:,1)); title(visim_format_variogram(V)) axis image; hold on plot(x_use,y_use,'w.','MarkerSize',22) scatter(x_use,y_use,20,d_use,'filled') hold off drawnow; % SEMIVARIOGRAM ANALYSIS ISOTROPIC [gamma_iso,hc,np,av_dist]=semivar_exp_gstat([x_use(:) y_use(:)],[d_use(:)]); figure(2); plot(hc,gamma_iso); title('isotropic');xlabel('Distance');ylabel('\gamma') % SEMIVARIOGRAM ANALYSIS ANISOTROPIC ang_array=[0,22.5,45,67.5,90]; ang_tolerance=10; for i_ang=1:length(ang_array); [gamma_an(:,i_ang),hc,np,av_dist]=semivar_exp_gstat([x_use(:) y_use(:)],[d_use(:)],ang_array(i_ang),ang_tolerance); end figure(3); plot(hc,gamma_an);xlabel('Distance');ylabel('\gamma') title('ANisotropic'); legend(num2str(ang_array')) % SYNTHETICAL SEMIVARIOGRAM gamma_synth=semivar_synth('0.0001 Nug(0) + 1 Sph(1)',hc); figure(4) plot(hc,gamma_an,'b-') hold on plot(hc,gamma_iso,'r-','linewidth',2) plot(hc,gamma_synth,'k-','linewidth',2) hold off ;xlabel('Distance');ylabel('\gamma') legend(num2str(ang_array'))
More info at : the section called “semivar_exp_gstat”
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