Table of Contents
This chapter discuss how to run SNESIM from within Matlab. SNESIM is original Fortran code developed for Single Normal Equation SIMulation method developed by Sebastian Strebelle.
This fortran based implementation has been superceeded by an implementaion is available through S-GeMS. See the chapter “S-GeMS - The Stanford Geostatistical Modeling Software”.
mGstat implements 4 m-files that allow interactions with SNESIM Here we make no effort to explain the meaning of all the options for the snesim parameter file, but refer to the documenation for SNESIM
Get a copy of a snesim parameter file, as well as the associated training image and data templates using “snesim_init”:
S = snesim_init; S = fconddata: [1x1 struct] ncat: 2 cat_code: [0 1] pdf_target: [0.7000 0.3000] use_vert_prop: 0 fvertprob: [1x1 struct] pdf_target_repro: 1 pdf_target_par: 0.5000 debug_level: -2 fdebug: [1x1 struct] out: [1x1 struct] nsim: 1 nx: 80 xmn: 0.2500 xsiz: 0.5000 ny: 120 ymn: 0.2500 ysiz: 0.5000 nz: 1 zmn: 0.2500 zsiz: 0.5000 rseed: 500 ftemplate: [1x1 struct] max_cond: 16 max_data_per_oct: 0 max_data_events: 20 n_mulgrids: 2 n_mulgrids_w_stree: 1 fti: [1x1 struct] nxtr: 250 nytr: 250 nztr: 1 hmax: 10 hmin: 10 hvert: 5 amax: 7 amin: 3 avert: 0 parfile: 'snesim.par'
This will read the snesim parameter file into a Matlab structure that can be easily altered.
structure can be written to a SNESIM parameter files using :
A SNESIM parameter file can be read into a Matlab structure S
, using:
SNESIM can be from Matlab using: “snesim”:
S = snesim_init; S.nsim = 10; S = snesim(S);
The output from running snesim is located in the data structure as
. In the present case:
size(S.D) 80 120 10
Thus to plot the realizations one could use
for i=1:S.nsim subplot(4,3,i); imagesc(S.x,S.y,S.D(:,:,i)); axis image end
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